Holding Tank Products
Information Videos
These series of videos are for informational purposes of Garnet’s SeeLeveL II Holding Tank Monitoring System.
SeeLeveL Holding Tank Monitoring
This video animation demonstrates how Garnet’s SeeLeveL™ RV Holding Tank Monitors have delivered a solution to both the retail and OEM manufacturing market.
SeeLeveL Bluetooth 709-BTP7
The 709-BTP7 SeeLeveL Tank Monitor, our most advanced system yet, offering monitoring of up to seven tanks, real-time updates, and Bluetooth connectivity for easy tank management on the go.
What to Know Before You Buy
Thinking about purchasing a SeeLeveL tank monitoring system? In this video, we cover everything you need to know before making your purchase.
Installation Help Videos
These series of videos provide a visual instructional guide to assist you in the installation of your SeeLeveL II Tank Monitoring system by selecting the appropriate one below.
Sender Installation
Two SeeLeveL Sender installation videos are available to select from. Ensure to select the one for the sender model series that came with your system.
Connect to your LPG Sensor
RVs with propane tanks that are already equipped with LPG sensors can connect to the SeeLeveL Tank monitors that have the LPG feature and read your propane tank levels right from your SeeLeveL monitor.
RV Doctor
Garnet was interviewed at the FMCA International RV Expo in Gillette, Wyoming by The RV Doctor. One of our technical experts there gave him a quick demo of our SeeLeveL II RV monitors.
Motorhead Garage
Garnet’s SeeLeveL RV tank monitoring system was featured on “Motorhead Garage” tv show. This video demonstrates how simple it is to install on an RV motor coach.